This form is intended to facilitate client on the incorporation of a Sdn. Bhd. company process.

Our officer will contact you through your email for verification and confirmation purpose after you have submit to us the form. Just do a simple review on the information and reply to us for Confirmation of information and your email verification purposes.


Make sure the Name, IC / Passport Number inserted is accurate. Any changes on that will effect the incorporation process since we have to apply for correction of info to the SSM and wait for their response once the name search approved by the SSM.

Thank you for using our form.

Please fill up the form here (recommended) or DOWNLOAD THE FORM HERE and email it to us for submission.

    (A) Your Name (Required):

    (B) Your Email (Required):

    (C) Your Contact No. (Required):

    (D) State your 3 propose Sdn. Bhd. name (Required):
    If name not in English / Malay, State the original language and the meaning in Malay in the textbox below
    Your Remark:

    (E) 3 Nature of business (required) - copy from MSIC Code Click Here!!!

    (F) Your Company's Email (Required):

    (G) Business Office No. (Required):

    (H) Full Business Address (Required):

    (I) Total Number of Paid Up Share Capital in Unit @RM1 each (Required):


    (J) Directors Details-As per IC / Passport (*Required):

    *1) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident Address:

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    2) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident Address:

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    3) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident Address:

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    4) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident Address:

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    5) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident Address:

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    (K) Members / Shareholders Details-As per IC / Passport (Change where necessary) (*Required)

    *1) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident address:

    Number of Share:

    % of Share over Total Paid up Capital in (J) :

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    2) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident address:

    Number of Share:

    % of Share over Total Paid up Capital in (J) :

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.
    3) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident address:

    Number of Share:

    % of Share over Total Paid up Capital in (J) :

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    4) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident address:

    Number of Share:

    % of Share over Total Paid up Capital in (J) :

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    5) Name (Not in a Bankruptcy Status, Please attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout):

    IC / Passport No.:




    Date of Birth:


    Resident address:

    Number of Share:

    % of Share over Total Paid up Capital in (J) :

    Attach IC / Passport Here (Front & Back):

    Attach the Bankruptcy Status Printout Here:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    (L) Open Bank Info: (Optional):

    Bank name:

    Branch name:

    Branch Address:

    Signatories names:

    Conditions of Signatory:

    Attach Sample Resolution acquired from Bank (If any):

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    (M) Your Message (*Required):

    (N) Attach any related documents for incorporation below:

    All attachment Files type limited as per below type only:

    ( jpg | jpeg | png | gif | pdf | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | odt | avi | ogg | m4a | mov | mp3 | mp4 | mpg | wav | wmv | pdf | txt )
    Maximum size per file 1 Mega Byte (MB) only.

    Attachment 1 (if any):

    Attachment 2 (if any):

    (O) Declaration 1 (Required):

    I hereby declared that the information and particulars furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed. The above information should be use for the purpose of Incorporation of a Sdn. Bhd. only and for no other purpose.

    (P) Declaration 2 (Required):

    I hereby declared that the Promoters / Director(s) are not DISQUALIFIED under the Companies Act 2016 and has given consent as Promoter or Director, as the case maybe.

    Copyright © 2024 ZM & CO.